Studies show that optimists live longer, achieve more, and enjoy greater happiness and health. Even if you tend to see the glass as half empty, you can tap into these advantages. I consider myself an optimist because I believe that I can work to change my own circumstances by being an engaged designer of my own experience.
I believe we can train ourselves to become more hopeful. While we may not be able to change our experience, we can change how we think and feel about whatever we are going through in the moment. Staying in an optimistic place does not always come easy but you can choose to work on this every day and to start from a place of possibility and hope.
Developing an Optimistic Mindset for Your Future
Do you struggle to believe that good things are coming your way? Cultivating optimism when you're feeling depleted from life can seem exhausting, or even impossible. But all is not lost! Even in your darkest times, you can look forward with anticipation to a bright future.
Consider these reflection points to feed your sense of optimism:
Learning from your reality. It's easier to be most optimistic when a positive outcome is likely, but sometimes you need to know when to let go or to make a change. Taking positive action to produce a better outcome can also boost your optimism because you feel a greater sense of agency over your life's circumstances. Try focusing your energy on what's most important, are there situations and times that you can determine to be optimistic about?
Focusing on possibility. How many times in your past has a challenging situation yielded a positive outcome? Are you surprised when you realize how often the unexpected was also positive? I bet plenty of times and that many of those were probably positive experiences, too. Even if life seems full of situations that look less-than-promising, you never know what may actually end up happening. When you open your mind, you're in a better emotional position to find optimism. Maybe you were expecting a promotion that never came, or maybe you even lost your job unexpectedly. These are life changing events, and it's easy to allow them to bring us down. But challenges can also lift us up if we open our eyes to possibilities and give energy to optimism. This is an excellent time to explore new opportunities including the dream you've been thinning about for years. If you've always wanted to start your own business, now's the time to explore making that possible.
Staying intent on your own passions. When we do what we love, we feel joy, and joy generates optimism. Whether you love watching movies, swimming, walking outdoors or enjoy pursuing any other activity, be sure to set aside time in your week for your hobby and some "me" time each day. Practicing your craft, hobby, or passion will help prevent you from hanging your hopes on another person, place, or thing. All the joy you need is within you and you can rediscover this moment by moment as you do what you love and stay in the present.
Start Here: Instant Changes for Becoming More Optimistic
Wear a smile. Your facial muscles communicate with your brain. Putting on a smile will make you look and feel more cheerful. A good day for me is when at the end of the day my cheek muscles hurt from smiling, whether interacting with people in person or Zoom.
Create a distraction. When you find yourself dwelling on how slowly traffic is moving, switch your attention to something more entertaining. Sing a show tune or remember a trip you took to explore a new place. The last couple of months “Verano Forever” and “Fiesta con Sabor” have been my go to playlist on Spotify.
If you own a pet, study your dog. Most dogs will keep returning to the spot on the sidewalk where they found a burger wrapper last June. Let your best friend inspire you to hold on to your dreams. My toy Poodle, Toby is the love of my life and can entertain me for hours.
Count your blessings. Gratitude reinforces optimism. Wake up each morning and consider what you’re thankful for. Write a gratitude list and post it near your desk where you can see it all day. I am not an everyday journal writer but I often take a minute or two at the end of each day quietly reflect on daily blessings.
Challenge your assumptions. Transform your self-talk by arguing the opposing side when you start to criticize yourself. It is important that you run a reality check because unpleasant events tend to make a stronger impression than positive ones. I recognize that I can’t stop my brain from returning to a particular negative tape that was created in my past, but I can choose to leave it there the moment I become aware of its resurfacing.
Build on your strengths. Studies also show that using your core strengths will cause you to view your future more favorably. If your friends rave about your photos, post them on social media to share with your networks or enter an exhibition. I share lots of quotes and also photos when I travel. This makes me feel like I am engaging with others and bringing them along a positive experience.
Focus on solutions. Put your energy into overcoming challenges rather than catastrophizing about how much can go wrong. Enrolling in a training course you’ve been thinking about will seem less overwhelming when you take your first steps to find a program and adjust your budget to cover the costs.
Exercise daily. Physical activity is good for your mind as well as your body. A vigorous workout will brighten your outlook. This is one of my biggest challenges so I work on this every day. Sometimes I do well and sometimes I don’t get there so I have to practice self-forgiveness so I can reset.
So, although Alexander Pope wrote, "Hope springs eternal," it can also be helpful to recognize where to place your optimism and how to rediscover that feeling when you're down. If you open your mind to new possibilities and explore the suggestions above, you'll be pleased to find that you're looking toward the future with optimism and excitement.
You don’t have to ignore your reality, but you can choose to wear rose-colored glasses and walk on the sunny side of the street. Being more optimistic is likely to increase your level of joy and extend your lifespan.